Tuesday, May 1, 2007


Charles Bloomfield

Forty-two years ago I attended my first MACSA convention at Delaware County Christian School, and MACSA has played a big part in my professional life ever since. I was privileged to serve on the convention program committee during the 1970s, and it was especially gratifying to be asked in 2001 to stand for election as MACSA's vice-president. It has been a huge and humbling privilege for me to serve as your president since 2004.

Now, as the end of my 42nd year of Christian school ministry draws to a close, my term as your president is also drawing to a close. With that comes a change in my role at my school. Lehigh Valley Christian High School will welcome a new Head of School on July 1, and I am looking forward to moving into a support role as I transition toward eventual retirement.

Our Lord has been good in allowing us to move forward as an association in some significant ways these past three years. Our special subject day program (Music, Art and Technology) continues and has grown. Membership in the American Buyers Consortium (ABC) is now a benefit of MACSA membership. We have "adopted" Discover Christian Schools. The Summer Development Institute is now under the MACSA umbrella. We have a presence, so to speak, in Southeast Asia through our support of Dr. Janet Lowrie Nason, ACSI's regional director there. Scholarships for summer study are up, both in number and amount. Surely our God is a good God, and He is prospering us!

Join me, please, in praying for and supporting Dr. Tim Sierer as he takes the helm on August 1. Also, rejoice with me in our partnership together in the oldest regional Christian school association in the United States.

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