Wednesday, September 30, 2009

A Note from Janet Nason - Asia Director for ASCI

Many of you are aware that on Saturday, September 26 a devastating storm struck the Manila area leaving a month's worth of rain in 6 hours. According to current news reports there are 162 confirmed deaths and the number is expected to increase as waters recede. Our ACSI office has been in the field and is in the process of documenting damage and conducting a needs assessment.

The human side of the story is that many of our schools were holding make up Saturday classes due to swine flu. Dr. Tan of Grace Christian said water rose quickly totally surrounding the school building. They fed lunch and dinner to 300 stranded teachers and students with many spending the night. Mrs. Helen Villanueva at MGC New Life school had a similar story with minor damage, but students stranded during the night and her being unable to return home until the following morning. St. Stephens school had water pour into first floor offices and they've lost some student records. It strikes me that our schools were literal "arks" for many during the floods.

Our ACSI secretary Ofelia had 5 feet of water rush into the first floor of her home when the area dam released water to avoid breaking. She lost her stove and refrigerator but was praising God today because the house she moved from a year ago had entire back wall washed out. Yesterday, our country director, Dr. Beth Bullecer found our former Early Ed director, Rosie Rico covered with mud shoveling out her home with her husband. They lost everything and we were able to give them food, water and some basic supplies. Rosie said the price of rice in the area is now 10 times what it was.

We are in the process of determining the extent of the water damage and if ACSI should set up relief funds as we did with schools in Indonesia impacted by the tsunami. What I do know now is that your brothers and sisters here need your immediate prayers. Pray specifically for ACSI's office staff we deal with this crisis in the middle of preparing for our 3 October Teacher's conferences. This is typhoon season and as I write two more storms lined up in the Pacific headed towards the Philippines. Please pray these would be turned away and that God will give wisdom and grace to all.

"The Christian school is at its best in times of crisis," Dad often said and I've had that going over and over in my mind. That being said, remember us.

In Him Alone,


Janet Lowrie Nason, Ed.D.
Asia Director, ACSI

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