1. The blog has been completely redesigned—take a look!
2. There is a new Christian School Journal Facebook Fan Page for with discussion board—see the CSJ Blog for details.
3. We have new articles:
- Extreme Makeover! Take a Look
- What You’d Like to Say to Parents but Can’t
- Remarkable Times, Remarkable Blessings
- They Are Coming After Your Students and Said So!
- Take a Break: Time for a Laugh!
- Charter Schools Pass a Major Test!
- Fl. Virtual School Enrollment Up at Least 50 Percent
- Jesus, Save Us From Your Followers
- For Good or Bad: Email No Longer Rules
- What is Google Wave and Why Should You Care?
- Not So Fast: Is Technology Diminishing Our Quality of Life?
- Do Our Schools Need to Become Less Uptight?
- A Gardener’s Tale
- Is Perception Reality?
- Where is Your School in the Organizational Life Cycle? Why Does it Matter?
- Your High School Students and Staff Need to See This
- Have You Seen This Outstanding Resource?-OER Commons
Let me know what you think of the new look and features of the CSJ blog. And, submit an article! I am always looking for good articles that will inform and bless others.
Barrett Mosbacker
Publisher, Christian School Journal Blog