Wednesday, April 21, 2010

School/church/home partnering that encourages discipleship – a model that is working!

Originally posted on "Nurturing Faith" - a blog of Christian Schools International
Click here for the Nurturing Faith blog.

How to best partner with churches has been a true conundrum for CSI Christian schools in recent years.
Cultural changes and shifts in church membership,  coupled with students coming from a broadening number and variety of churches, have left schools confused about how to keep the home – school – church triangle intact, or even functioning at all. At the 2007 CSI membership convention we attempted to highlight the issue and make some progress on the issue of our common connection – the faith development of the students we share.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Attention: Music Teachers ~ MACSA Music Day ~ Friday, April 30

It's NOT TOO LATE to register and attend.
Please FAX your registration form to Lehigh Christian Academy (610-776-1417) and bring your payment on the day of the event.

MACSA Music Day
Friday, April 30, 2010
8:45 am – 3:00 pm

This day is a GREAT day for Music Teachers, but is also VERY BENEFICIAL for Early Ed and Elem Ed Classroom teachers desiring to incorporate more music in the context of the regular classroom!  Consider attending!

Lehigh Christian Academy
1151 S. Cedar Crest Boulevard
Allentown, PA 18103

$25 per person
includes lunch

8:45     Registration and Refreshments
9:15     Devotional for Music Teachers
9:30     Breakout Session I
·         Using Folk Dance to Have Fun and Build Musical Readiness
·         Starting Up a Piano Lab
10:35   Breakout Session II
·         Tiny Voices, Joyful Noises: Structure in your Early Childhood Music Class
·         A Director's Guide to the Elementary Choir Rehearsal
11:35   Lunch and Networking
1:00     Breakout Session III
·         Making Music Reading Fun in the Elementary Classroom
·         Music Education and the Special Needs Child, Adaptation and Modification
2:05     Breakout Session IV
·         Music Assessment
·         Maximizing the Time in your Middle or High School Choir Rehearsal

Presenters include:
Dr. David Shockey - Professor of Voice and Choral Conducting (PBU)
Dr. Debbie Lynn Wolf - Professor of Music Education (PBU)
Andrew Owens - Music Teacher
Paul F. Reese III - Teacher, Organist and Music Director
Abigail Peace - Board Certified Music Therapist
Kelly Leibensperger - Music Teacher